Revamp Your Control: $30 off for the first 200 customers (82 left) ๐Ÿš€

10x Your Social Media Marketing with AI Automated Facebook Posts

Maximize your social media impact with our dynamic scheduling tool. Automate your Facebook posts, save time, and enhance engagement effortlessly. Our app runs on your PC, ensuring that nothing confidential leaves your system.

$30 off for the first 200 customers (82 left) ๐Ÿš€ Get Facebook Post Scheduler
Facebook Post Scheduler

Powerful Features

Discover how our AI Facebook Post Scheduler can transform your social media strategy with these key features.

AI Integration
AI Integration

Generate Keyword-Rich Posts

Leverage the power of AI to create engaging and keyword-rich posts that effectively promote your services. Customize prompts to match your brand voice and let AI handle the rest.

  • Automated content generation
  • Customizable AI prompts
  • Enhance SEO with keyword-rich content

Set and Forget

Schedule your posts to run daily or weekly and let our tool handle the rest. Simply set your preferred time and frequency, and the scheduler will ensure consistent posting.

  • Daily or weekly scheduling
  • Automated token refresh
  • Time-saving automation
Data Security
Data Security

Secure and Local Storage

Your data security is our priority. We do not store any information on our servers. All keys are stored locally within the app, ensuring your data stays secure.

  • Local storage of keys
  • Data never leaves your system
  • Secure network requests
Easy Setup

Quick and Simple Configuration

Our user-friendly setup process ensures you can get started quickly. Follow the steps to configure the necessary parameters, and youโ€™re ready to automate your posts.

  • Generate a Facebook token
  • Obtain OpenAI API Key
  • Set Facebook Page ID and Service Link
  • Configure time and frequency
Easy Setup


No hidden fees, one price, own forever

Facebook Post Scheduler

$74.95 $44.95 USD

Unlock advanced features and elevate your social media strategy with our comprehensive tool.

  • Save time, save money
  • AI-generated keyword-rich posts
  • Daily or weekly scheduling
  • Automated token refresh
  • Local storage of keys for enhanced security
  • Easy setup and configuration
  • Lifetime updates
Buy Now, Start Automating


Find solutions, tips, and more to enhance your Facebook Post Scheduler experience.

How does Facebook Post Scheduler benefit my business?

Our scheduler saves you time and money by automating your Facebook posts, ensuring consistent engagement with your audience. It enhances your social media strategy with AI-generated keyword-rich posts and daily or weekly scheduling.

What features are included in the Facebook Post Scheduler?

Our scheduler offers automated posting, AI-generated keyword-rich posts, daily or weekly scheduling, automated token refresh, local storage of keys for enhanced security, easy setup and configuration, and lifetime updates.

How is data security handled on your platform?

We prioritize data security. All keys are stored within the app and never leave your system. The only functionality we perform with your keys is sending network requests to the relevant services.

How do I set up and configure the Facebook Post Scheduler?

You can configure all the necessary parameters for the scheduler in the settings page. Detailed explanations and guidance are provided to help you set up the Facebook token, OpenAI API key, prompt message, Facebook Page ID, service link, time, and frequency for the scheduler.

What is the pricing model for the Facebook Post Scheduler?

The Facebook Post Scheduler is available for a one-time payment, providing you with lifetime access to all features and updates. No recurring fees, just a single payment for unlimited use.